With the new year looming around the corner, we know everyone is wondering how to be more productive. And since we’re all getting ready to close another year of ferocious writing, these 21 tips are sure to come in handy!
Over the past few years in business, I have learned to use December as a time to reflect on my brand. I assess what worked well this past year, what didn’t work so well, and what I’d like to tweak for next year. I invite you to do the same!
Like all other aspects of our lives, there are plenty of ways writers can get prepared for the new year. Below is a list of 21 ideas to help you get reorganized, rejuvenated, and refocused.
How to be More Productive: 21 Ways Writers Can Prepare For the New Year
Review what you have written this year.
Reflect on themes you were particularly drawn to, characters that spoke to you, and places that inspired you. Use this review as guide to plan topics for next year.
Finish any unfinished writing.
This includes blog posts, articles, etc. that still speak to you. It’s amazing how closing those loops allows you to be more productive overall!
Reflect on why you didn’t finish some pieces.
You’ll likely reveal topics you may be uncomfortable writing about, or areas of your writing where you get “stuck.” You might find you want to brush up on certain skills.
Buy new journals to keep your ideas and projects organized.
Take care of any nagging health issues.
This could be emotional, spiritual, or physical.
Buy a sketchbook to map ideas or expand your writing in a visual format.
Think you have to be an artist to use this technique? Think again! This Pinterest board has many ideas for art journaling.
To help you be more productive, buy new pens, pencils and erasers.
Throw out the old half-used ones you always avoid when you’re digging for a writing utensil.
Note your most productive and creative writing times.
Block them off and schedule time to write on your calendar.
Get plenty of rest, and hydrate!
Your brain works better when you get your eight glasses of water a day.
Have a passion-based purpose for writing.
This will keep you motivated during dry spells and focused on your mission, rather than just your feelings.
Make a mini vision board that represents your commitment to writing.
Look at your vision board when you need a reminder of your goals and how to reach them.
Create an inspiring writing environment, complete with a desk and decorations that foster creativity.
I don’t mean you have to go all out and buy new stuff. In fact, look around your house and pick up pieces that inspire you, then carry them into your office and rearrange things a little bit!
Prepare a playlist (or two, or three) of music that motivates you.
Want to be more productive? Test out new productivity approaches to see which might be a good fit for you.
Consider partnering with a writing coach to help you meet your goals and explore new writing methods.
Research writing conferences you’d like to attend in the new year.
Make a backup of your digital work.
You should do this more than once a year—now’s a great time to set a monthly or weekly reminder on your calendar.
Gather your favorite candle scents and oils for the new year.
Your writing brain loves scent stimulation. Great scents for the new year include orange, peppermint, and warm smells like clove and cinnamon.
Stock up on your favorite coffees and teas.
Research new writing techniques you’d like to try in the next year.
The internet is loaded with classes for all types of writers. One of my favorite places to enroll in classes is WOW! Women on Writing.
Join or start a writing group in your town.
Writing is always more fun when shared with others!
So, which of these tips are you going to use to be more productive this year? What other tips would you add to this list?