Whether you’re a freelancer, a blogger, a fiction writer or anything in between, we could all use a little company on the sometimes lonely road known as the writing life.
Maybe you just got your first offer to ghostwrite a book and have no idea what to charge. Maybe your characters refuse to do what you want them to do (isn’t that just like them?), and you could use someone to commiserate with. Maybe it’s after midnight and you’re still up trying to wrestle the words into submission, and you find yourself searching for “writing groups near me” just to find a few writer friends.
Whatever the reason, online writing groups can be a fantastic way for writers to connect, trade advice, swap war stories and find new opportunities. Knowing there are other people out there who “get” what it’s like to be a writer can be a huge comfort, and the chance to share experience and tips with people on all stages of the writing journey is invaluable.
These online writing groups are supportive and helpful
We polled writers to find out which online writing groups they personally could not live without — and many of them relied heavily on Facebook groups.
Note: Even if a Facebook group isn’t currently super active with members posting, you can still find a ton of great resources. We suggest searching groups to find topics you’re interested in. For example, search “rate,” “pay” or “compensation” to find topics on money.
So here are some of the best Facebook groups for writers.
1. The Write Life Community
Before we dig in deep about what’s out there, we hope you’ve joined The Write Life Facebook group! Writers of all experience levels share their struggles and wins, ask each other questions, and generally support and encourage one another. Recent topics of discussion include how to beat procrastination and the best ways to find remote writing opportunities.
Size: 28,100 members (as of March 2021)
2. Author Success Collective
This group for aspiring and current authors was created by Self-Publishing School to allow a place for authors to come together, talk about what’s working and not, along with a place to connect with like-minded people with a single goal—to write and publish high-quality books that sell. They also host challenges with unique, themed-based content to help you along your journey.
Size: 4,000 members and growing
3. The Freelance Content Marketing Writer
Created by Jennifer Goforth Gregory, who has a book by the same name as the group, this space is for writers who work in content marketing. Most have a background in digital marketing, journalism or freelance writing, and they discuss topics like how much to charge for specific services, where to look for a virtual assistant, and alternatives to getting paid with PayPal. Plus, each week a jobs thread is created, so you can check out new opportunities.
Size: 6,300 members (as of March 2021)
4. Writers Helping Writers
Whether you’re a newbie looking for advice or an established pro who’d like to pay it forward, this community is a great place to support and learn from other writers, as well as editors, publishers, agents and more. Posts include writers asking for feedback on cover designs, sharing motivational quotes and comics about writing, and sharing writing wins.
Size: 286,000 members (as of March 2021)
5. What’s Your Plan B?
This group is for journalists who have left the industry, are preparing to leave the industry, or fear they might be forced into leaving the industry… and what they’ve gone on to do with their careers. It’s full of ideas from writers and editors who have used their skills to make an income in new ways and requests from journalists who are struggling with the change. It’s a supportive space!
Size: 16,200 members (as of March 2021)
6. Pat’s First Kindle Book (From Start to Finish)
Ever wanted to write a Kindle book or wondered how the process works? Join this group to get a behind-the-scenes look at popular blogger Pat Flynn’s own journey to publish a Kindle book from start to finish. In addition to watching Pat’s journey, readers have a chance to ask questions, share their own advice and experiences and get feedback on similar projects they’re working on.
Size: 16,700 members (as of March 2021)
7. Inner Circle Writers’ Group
Created by Grant Hudson of independent publisher Clarendon House Publications, this group is for new and established writers who are interested in the craft and practice of writing. Many of the posts are writers cheering each other on as submissions are accepted and published, so if that’s something you’re working toward, you’ll be in good company here.
Size: 9,000 members (as of March 2021)
8. Ask a Book Editor
This group is all about asking questions you have about the writing process and getting answers from editors. Admins prefer participants ask specific questions, rather than posting excerpts and asking for feedback. This is a great place to lurk and learn even if you don’t have a reason to participate! There’s also a Help Wanted section for writers looking to hire an editor.
Size: 7,600 members (as of March 2021)
9. 10 Minute Novelists Group
For novelists looking to improve their craft, especially those who are crunched for time to write. As one member told us, “10-Minute Novelists is my all time favorite…the group is so supportive, the admins are very active in discussions and post regularly…It’s helped me so much!” Look for inspiring features like Tuesday #BuddyDay (when you can find critique partners and beta readers) and Wednesday #AuthorHappiness chats (where members celebrate their weekly successes).
Size: 15,900 members (as of March 2020)
10. Beta Readers and Critique Partners
If you’re willing to become a beta reader or critique partner, or you want to find one for your work, this is the place to connect with other writers. You’ll see calls for reads of poetry, action, drama, historical fiction, personal essays, non-fiction…pretty much every type of writing.
Size: 18,700 members (as of March 2021)
11. Word Nerds Unite
Run by Gabriela Pereira at DIY MFA, a do-it-yourself alternative to a master’s in writing, this group focuses on all things writing. Topics have included how to beat writer’s block, call-outs for beta readers and grammar questions. Pereira herself interacts regularly, sharing Word Nerd Wins and hosting weekend writing sprints, which she says are like virtual writing retreats. This is a fun and motivated crowd!
Size: 8,400 members (as of March 2021)
12. Calls for Submissions (Poetry, Fiction Art)
This group collects submission calls for poetry, fiction and art and presents them all in one easy-to-follow place. If you’re looking for publication opportunities, it’s worth checking out.
Size: 66,300 (as of March 2021)
13. Indie Author Group
This group of indie authors and self-publishers focuses mainly on fiction. It’s a great place to get advice, air your grievances and discover new authors.
Size: 12,100 members (as of March 2021)

14. Indie Writers Unite!
Open to indie writers of all kinds, this group allows self-promotion only in admin-created threads, and has a fair but firm panel of moderators who keep spammers and trolls at bay.
Size: 8,200 members (as of March 2021)
15. Journey Feed Blogging Community
Founded by blogger Edwin Covarrubias, this is a place for bloggers to connect and share ideas. You’ll also find opportunities to promote your blog if you’re a new blogger looking to find readers.
Size: 4,900 members (as of March 2021)
16. Blogging Boost
Another group chock full of advice, resources and support for bloggers, this group limits self-promotion to Mondays only, which helps save your feed from over-saturation.
Size: 33,000 members (as of March 2021)
17. Write On! Online
An extension of a live group that started at a Barnes & Noble in California in 2002, this group aims at helping writers set goals, troubleshoot and network. It’s hosted by hosted by Debra Eckerling of The D*E*B Method. As one member told us, “They have a supportive environment…to provide that much needed ‘kick in the pants’ without the guilt.”
Size: 2,500 members (as of March 2021)
18. Writers Write
If you’re looking for less of a participatory experience and more of a compendium of all things writing, this group is a fun news source of recent doings in the writing world. Notable posts include reaction to Bob Dylan’s nomination for (and subsequent radio silence towards) the Nobel Prize for Literature and Kanye West penning a poem on McDonald’s french fries for Frank Ocean’s new art mag. Dare we say it’s a great way to kill a little “writer’s block” time?
Size: 19,800 members (as of March 2021)
19. Writers World
As one of the phrases on this group’s logo image indicates, you need “lizard skin” to be an active member in this critique-only group. You’ll find no pep talks or ego-fluffing here, simply polite, but pull-no-punches assessments of any pieces members offer up for critique. (One of the admins has edited for Disney and NBC, if you wonder how useful those critiques are.) If you want to get serious about your work, and you can handle bold honesty, this group can help you hone your skills.
Size: 7,600 members (as of March 2021)
20. NanoLand
Have you ever participated in National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo)? This group can help you through the challenge by offering support, tips and empathy as you type, type, type your way to 50,000 words in 30 days. It continues to stay active outside of November, too.
Size: 22,600 members (as of March 2021)
21. Women Writers, Women’s Books
Ladies, this one’s for you. Connect with women writers of all genres and experience levels, from indie scribes to traditionally published and self-published authors. Member Suzanne Brazil said of the group, “They have an active Twitter presence, publish helpful essays, support each other’s blogs and author pages and are generally just a great place for technical questions, writing advice, and encouragement! Can’t recommend them highly enough.”
Size: 19,200 members (as of March 2021)
22. The Aspiring Travel Writer
Run by blogger and podcaster Alexa Williams Meisler of Break Into Travel Writing, this group’s goal is to provide “a page to ask questions, share ideas and support each other in the travel blogging world.” Self-promotion is limited to “Friday Free for Alls” to allow members to focus more on supporting and learning from each other.
Size: 8,300 members (as of March 2021)
23. Writing Bad
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned author with several published titles to your name, this group welcomes you. The whole concept is they don’t believe in bad writing — just undeveloped writing that needs some TLC. The members of the group are there to offer you support.
Size: 13,700 members (as of March 2021)
Want more Facebook groups for writers to choose from? Writer Elna Cain offers more ideas here.
This is an updated version of a story that was previously published. We update our posts as often as possible to ensure they’re useful for our readers.
Photo via sitthiphong/ Shutterstock