40 Free Writing Contests: Competitions With Cash Prizes
Blogging, Publishing

40 Free Writing Contests: Competitions With Cash Prizes

Have you ever Googled “writing contests”? Many require reading fees or prizes—like seeing your work in print—that you can only receive if you pay for it. Some legitimate contests charge sma
Editorially Speaking: How to Find a Book Editor You Can Trust
Get Published, Publishing, Self-Publishing

Editorially Speaking: How to Find a Book Editor You Can Trust

7 Reasons Why You Would Use a Pseudonym For Writing
Freelancing, Publishing

7 Reasons Why You Would Use a Pseudonym For Writing

Testimonials for Writers: 3 Ways They Help and Why They're so Powerful
Freelancing, Marketing, Publishing

Testimonials for Writers: 3 Ways They Help and Why They're so Powerful

Celebrating Black Authors: 8 Authors to Add to Your TBR List

Celebrating Black Authors: 8 Authors to Add to Your TBR List

Writer’s Callus: The Silver Lining It Reveals
Blogging, Freelancing, Publishing, Self-Publishing

Writer’s Callus: The Silver Lining It Reveals

Writers write, right? They spend their days drafting, rewriting, and finalizing and their nights dreaming about perfectly crafted sentences and what's next. But what writers may not realize is if they
How To Become An Audiobook Narrator: 5 Vital Skills
Freelancing, Marketing, Publishing, Self-Publishing

How To Become An Audiobook Narrator: 5 Vital Skills

Testimonial Examples: What 9 Credible Authors Say
Marketing, Mindset, Publishing

Testimonial Examples: What 9 Credible Authors Say

Satire Examples: 21 Options To Inspire Your Next Writing Session
Craft, Publishing

Satire Examples: 21 Options To Inspire Your Next Writing Session

Writer’s Block: The 4 Answers You Need To Overcome It Once And For All
Mindset, Publishing

Writer’s Block: The 4 Answers You Need To Overcome It Once And For All

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