Writing Career Quiz Result: Fiction Author

Fiction Author

The best writing career for you according to your quiz results is … Career Fiction Author!

Based on your quiz answers, you are probably someone who has a passion for storytelling, with a vivid imagination, is fueled by a life-long dream to see your novel on the shelves at your favorite bookstore. 

As a fiction author, you get to spend your days doing something you love: writing stories! And with the rise of self-publishing, it’s the best time to build a career out of publishing novels, fiction book series, and creative prose. 

Fiction authors can turn their passion into a source of income on their own terms,and leave a legacy while doing it. What better way to make an imprint in the hearts of your readers by publishing captivating stories to get lost in? 

As a career fiction author, you’re in charge and the opportunities can be endless. You can choose exactly what type of stories to write, work independently, and turn your life experiences into art.


Use your creativity

Share your passion for storytelling

Gain loyal readers

Leave a legacy

Work independently

Enjoy flexibility


Competitive field

Can be difficult to monetize

You’re running a business

Requires extreme self-discipline

Easy to lose focus

What should you do next?

To learn more about what it takes to create a fulfilling career as a fiction author, and how to get started today, check out this new training from our friends at Self-Publishing School.

PS: If you feel like the quiz might have pegged you incorrectly, check out this article for more ideas on how to become a full-time writer.