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30+ Amazing Writing Residencies You Should Apply for This Year

by | Feb 10, 2025

Have you ever wondered how writing residencies could impact your writing career?

There’s a ton of advice out there about how to carve out moments in your day to create time to write: wake up an hour early, write in 10-minute intervals to get something down, write during your lunch break at work; the list seems endless. 

In between juggling work and home life, writers are left to daydream about spending time in a quiet colony or residency, where creative solitude is the only objective. 

You deserve more than just a few stolen moments, and that’s what residencies are for!

Plus, many of them aren’t too competitive, so you’re more likely to get accepted.

Our founder, Alexis Grant, enjoyed three highly productive residencies at The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences.

“Don’t make the mistake of only applying to the super-competitive residencies, especially if you’re an unpublished author. There are so many wonderful residencies and colonies to choose from.” —Alexis Grant

Looking for a writing residency? Here are 32 to consider

We’ve rounded up several dozen high-quality writers residencies you might want to apply for. We start with those in the United States and later cover international opportunities.

While some of these are quite selective, others are less competitive or more open with their admission policies. (And if you’re still hungry for more opportunities, we also have posts on writing retreats, writers grants and writing fellowships.)

Here are some writing residencies to consider.

1. Willapa Bay AiR

I’m so amazed by the detail of thought that went into every single aspect of planning the residency program—from cottages designed for comfort and productivity (and nature!) to the community spirit that permeates everything; from generous and well-crafted food to the nurture of the artist within and without. I came with projects in mind, and I was able to do most of what I hoped to do. But beyond the work itself and beyond the experiences of exploration and community, I became a better, more dedicated, more committed artist at Willapa Bay. —Barbara Presnell, writer 

Launched in 2014, the Willapa Bay AiR residency program combines the opportunity for solitude with the opportunity for daily community that fosters creative endeavor.

It’s located in Southwestern Washington and offers month-long residencies to emerging and established artists of all types. Lodging, meals and workspace are provided to six residents per month from April 1 through October 28. Expect a $30 application fee—and a $100 refundable deposit to confirm your residency if you’re admitted. (You’ll get it back as soon as you arrive!)

Applications are accepted from June 15 to August 31 each year.

2. Millay Colony for the Arts

For the last couple of years, a number of writers we call the FUEGO group has gathered at Millay for a few precious days of writing retreat and fellowship. What a privilege to work in such idyllic surroundings. Millay has been a feast and a sanctuary for us all. For a few days, we are able to be completely absorbed in our craft and leave feeling refreshed and emboldened toward what we need to accomplish as writers. Thank you for this golden raft of paradise. —Sarah Gambito, poet

This small artist’s colony occupies the former estate of Edna St. Vincent Millay in upstate New York, offering two-week and month-long residencies to six or seven artists between the months of May and October.

Unlike many other residencies, the Millay Colony for the Arts doesn’t emphasize social events or speakers, instead preferring for you to focus on producing your art. There are no costs, and food is included. You can also apply for a virtual residency or a group residency if you’re collaborating with partners.

Check the website for application deadlines and note there’s a $45 application fee. If you’re invited to attend, you’ll also be charged a nonrefundable $100 deposit.

3. Ucross Foundation

At Ucross I learned that I am capable of focusing deeply for long periods of time. I love to write. I don’t think I would have said that before this trip. —Edan Lepucki, novelist

A favorite among writers (including alumni Annie Proulx!), the Uncross Foundation is a colony is located on a 20,000-acre working cattle ranch in Wyoming.

It serves 100 artists per year, with up to 10 people in residence at any one time—typically four writers, four visual artists, and two composers. Lunches are delivered to your door, while dinners are eaten together in a group; towels, linens, and weekly housekeeping is provided. Residencies last two to six weeks and are free of charge.

Please note, there’s a $40 nonrefundable application fee. Visit the application page for updated deadlines.

4. Jentel

The month’s end is a time I am not looking forward to because with the space itself being gorgeous and comfy, the food being good, the people being wonderful, and me being productive. I can see myself dreaming of this place once I leave. —Jennifer Baker, fiction writer

Sitting just eight miles away from UCross is Jentel, which hosts month-long residencies year-round on a cattle ranch with spectacular views of the Big Horn Mountains. The program accepts both established and emerging artists, offering dedicated individuals a supportive environment to further their creative development. 

Though food isn’t included, they do provide a $400 weekly stipend to help with the costs of your trip. Applicants must be over the age of 25.

Deadlines are January and September 15 each year. Expect a $30 application fee.

5. Virginia Center for the Creative Arts

There was something magical about being in such a supportive and beautiful environment, having a different place (studio) to go to every day with the deliberate purpose of writing, and being inspired by the serious work ethic of all the other artists. —Penny Harter, poet

This selective residency offers two attractive locations: one in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and another in France, open to those who’ve already completed a domestic VCCA residency. Artists of all types are accepted. Residencies are offered year-round and last from two weeks to two months, with 25 artists in residence at one time. You’ll receive private quarters and, in the case of the Virginia residency, three meals per day—and are asked to contribute what you can, up to their $150 per-day cost to host you. (Residents at the French location will receive one community dinner per week and are required to pay at least $70 per day.) 

The standard application fee is $30, and deadlines are January, May and September 15.

(TWL Founder Alexis Grant attended this residency, and noted its lovely setting!)

6. Rockvale Writers’ Colony

My time at RWC allowed me to work in a beautiful setting without distraction. In one wonderful week, I was able to complete what would have normally have taken me a month. Grateful to have a place like this close to home. —Sheba Karim, writer

Tucked away on 65 acres of beautiful countryside in College Grove, Tennessee, Rockvale Writers’ Colony is a new residency open to writers of all backgrounds and genres. Spacious and private accommodations are provided in either a 160-year-old farmhouse or a 150-year-old cabin, both of which have been outfitted inside with modern amenities. 

Residencies run for one, two, three or four weeks at a time, and residents pay $425 per week. However, mini-residencies lasting one to three nights are also available for $100 per night. While you’ll be responsible for making most of your own meals, you’ll be given ample pantry and refrigerator space stocked with spices, oils, condiments, coffee, and tea available for everyone to share.

Applications are accepted year-round and require a $30 fee.

7. Omi International Arts Center

The international character of [Omi] sharpens your perspective on what it means to be a writer outside the U.S.A. in the 21st century… As for the writing, my main reason for being here, it went sailing along, with only a few days when the anchor dragged. —Alfred Corn, writer

Writers Omi welcomes published writers of all types for residencies of one week to two months. Located on 300 acres overlooking the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York, they offer full room and board to about 10 writers at a time and frequently host dinner guests from the New York City publishing community.

There is no application fee and no fee to attend, but selected residents are responsible for funding their own travel. Check the website for application deadlines.

8. Norton Island Residency

I can’t imagine a more creative environment than Norton Island.  Every day poses a fresh and authentic encounter with nature, fellow artists, and one’s self. Long stretches of solitude are balanced with moments of raucous camaraderie. It is a place for clear thinking, and dreamy starry nights.  The kind of experience I live for, and as a theatre artist, the kind of experience I hope to create. —Phil Atlakson, playwright

The Norton Island Residency for Writers and Artists is 10-day residency is located on a 150-acre island (primarily consisting of spruce forests) off the coast of Maine and offers a rustic and outdoorsy experience each summer for a flat fee of $150.

When we say “outdoorsy,” we mean it, so get ready: WiFi is limited, cabins lack running water, cellular signal is spotty, and the program reminds you to “Watch out for wildlife—most of it amazing, some of it icky, all of it harmless.”

There’s a $45 tax-deductible application fee, and any additional expenses for room and board will be covered by the residency.

9. Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts

I think the facility at KHN could not be more ideally suited for an artist residency program. I felt like I was staying in a very comfortable private home and I had everything that I needed to do my work, and having the private bathroom and spacious kitchen was wonderful.—Gary Peter, fiction writer

Located in Nebraska City, Nebraska, the KHN Center offers more than 50 residencies per year to established and emerging writers, visual artists and composers. If accepted, you’ll receive free housing for stays of two to eight weeks and a $100 stipend per week to cover food.

There’s a $35 application fee. Plan ahead to meet the March 1 and September 1 deadlines.

10. Blue Mountain Center

I quickly found myself being as productive as I’ve ever been. And it was the best kind of productivity, too: the relaxed, fulfilling kind—not the over-caffeinated, deadline-driven, better-get-this-done-quick kind. The idyllic setting, the stimulating conversation of interesting writers and artists (who shared ideas and techniques), and above all the extended time away from the pressures of ‘normal life’ proved remarkably conducive to good writing. —Scott Stossel, editor

Creative and non-fiction writers, activists, and artists of all disciplines, go off the grid in the heart of the Adirondacks. This artist’s community at Blue Mountain Center offers three different month-long sessions in the summer and early fall, including free room and board. Cell phones aren’t welcome, though you’ll be able to access its phone booth and computer room with ethernet plug-ins (no WiFi here!) 24 hours a day.

The annual application deadline is February 1. Expect a $25 application fee.

11. Mineral School

I still look back on my two weeks in Mineral as the most productive ‘six months’ I’ve ever had. —Janine Kovac, memoirist

With sweeping western Washington views of Mineral Lake and Mount Rainier, it would be hard not to produce great work at the Mineral School residency, held in a renovated 1947 elementary school building.

Open to writers of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and screenplays, the program provides lodging, studio space and meals for two weeks at the price of $900—plus, presentations by guest writers and artists and opportunities for public presentation are included as well. Limited fellowships are available.

12. Vermont Studio Center

This place really captures the essence of “sanctuary.” Coming off of a very demanding working mom schedule, it was a gift to have the time to hit the reset button and get to the creative work that I’ve been meaning to devote more attention to. — Monica Ong, visual artist and poet

Another favorite is the largest international artists’ and writers’ residency program in the United States, hosting more than 50 visual artists and writers each month in the heart of Northern Vermont.

While writers give the Artist & Writer Residency at Vermont Studio Center high marks, it’s not cheap. For the complete program, you’ll pay $12,000 for a four-week residency. However, fellowships, grants and work-exchange programs are available to help reduce your cost—in some cases, all the way down to nothing.

During your stay, you’re provided a private bedroom, 24-hour access to a private studio space, 20 hot meals per week, plus round-the-clock fresh fruit, hot and cold beverages, and breakfast cereal.

The application fee is $25. Fellowship deadlines are February 15, June 15 and October 1, rolling applications are accepted year-round and are eligible for financial aid, but will not be considered for a fellowship.

13. Anne LaBastille Memorial Writers Residency at The Adirondack Center

I had expected that the quiet Adirondack location would inspire my writing, and it certainly did, but even more inspiration came from my fellow writers.… During those two enchanted weeks at Twitchell Lake I revised one short story, wrote a new one, and did a complete overhaul on a Young Adult novel that I’ve been working on for years. —Noah Stetzer, writer

The two-week residency at The Adirondack Center is offered to six writers annually in October at a beautiful lodge in the Adirondacks. Along with indoor and outdoor writing space, you’ll also enjoy communal meals and fireside chats with an intimate community of writers, as well as a single room with a private bath.

Be advised that disconnecting from reality won’t be optional—there’s not much cell phone coverage at this location. (All the better for your concentration!) There’s no cost to the residency (beside transportation to and from Twitchell Lake) and staff will prepare and serve dinners all week.

Visit the website for application details and deadlines.

14. Wildacres Retreat

The staff is amazing. I feel incredibly well-cared for and very fortunate to have had this opportunity to work in such a calm and peaceful environment. —Yvonne Dutchover, fiction writer

If you’re looking for a short residency on the East Coast, look no further. Wildacres offers one- and two-week residencies from April through October. You’ll stay in one of three cabins on their property in the mountains of North Carolina. Meals are served in the main lodge, where you’ll interact with other residents, guests, and staff—but you can also eat in your quarters if you’re knee-deep in work.

There is a $20 application fee but no cost if accepted.

15. The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow

The full impact of a stay at the Writers’ Colony is hard to measure in immediate terms—for writers, everything is an influence. My stay at Dairy Hollow will appear in different forms throughout my career as a writer. —Nikki Kalio, writer and photographer

Open year-round, The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow in Arkansas hosts dozens of writers each year for residencies ranging from one week to three months. If accepted, you’ll receive either a subsidized general residency or a fully-funded fellowship.

Actual costs of the residencies are about $125 per night, but non-fellowship residents contribute a flat $85 per night as well as a one-time $25 cleaning fee—these rates include all food for meals and weeknight dinners prepared by a chef/housekeeper.

There’s also an application fee of $35.

16. Anderson Center

The publisher of an independent press had helped screen residency applicants, and before I could even travel to Red Wing to begin my month-long stay there, she reached out by email to compliment me on my writing sample and inquire about my novel-in-progress.… She agreed to recommend me to a handful of agents, one of whom took me on as a client a week later. —Stephan Eirik Clark, fiction writer

Based in the scenic river city of Red Wing, Minnesota, the Anderson Center offers two-to four-week residencies to approximately 35 writers and scholars from May through October, which also happens to be the most beautiful months of the year up there.

Residents are provided lodging, studio space, and weeknight dinners, but prepare their own breakfasts, lunches, and weekend eats (but the chef shops for your groceries!). Both emerging and established artists from around the world are encouraged to apply, and there’s no application fee.

Each year, the application opens in early September and closes on January 9.

17. Fine Arts Work Center

These have been the best two years of my life as a writer. No matter where I’m traveling to or what gig I’m going to do, knowing that I’ve had this home to come back to and work in has been invaluable. I think the FAWC is the most densely populated, interdisciplinary group of talent I’ve ever been a part of. —Jerriod Avant, poet

A well-established fellowship program that’s been offering residencies since the 1960s, the Fine Arts Work Center residency is pretty darn selective—but a great gig if you can land it.

Each year, 10 writers and 10 visual artists are offered a seven-month stay (October 1 to April 30 annually) in its Provincetown, Massachusetts facilities, including lodging, studio space, and a $1,000 monthly stipend.

Writing fellowship applications are due December 1 annually, and has a $50 fee which can’t be waived for any reason. But boy, if you make it in, you’ll be among exceptional company—alumni of this program have gone on to win virtually every major national award in their respective fields, including the Pulitzer and Pollock-Krasner prizes.

18. Hedgebrook

I had no book when I was accepted to Hedgebrook in 1995. I’d published poems in a few journals but that was all…. Fast forward 18 years. The stay at Hedgebrook changed my life in several important ways. — Susan Rich, poet

While the Hedgebrook residency is pretty well-known, we wanted to include it on this list because it’s only for women, and only for writers.

Featuring six handcrafted cottages located on Whidbey Island, outside of Seattle, approximately 40 women attend each year to immerse themselves in free residencies of two to six weeks in length that run from February through October.

19. The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences

You know that saying, “I can hear myself think?” At this writer’s colony, I can. I can hear the words and phrases bouncing around in my head, begging me to put them down on paper…I can get to the heart of what I’m here to do: Create. —The Write Life founder Alexis Grant

Lasting from two to eight weeks, The Hambidge Center residencies are located on 600 acres in the mountains of north Georgia, so get ready to explore miles of nature trails, meadows, waterfalls, a swimming hole and an abundance of wildflowers.

For food and lodging, you’ll pay $250 per week—a fraction of the total $1,500 cost to the program. Limited fellowships are available primarily for first-time residents, which waive the fees and provide a $700 weekly stipend.

Deadlines are January, April, and September 15; the application fee is $30.

20. Kerouac Project

The poems typed under the sloping roof of the Kerouac House became my first volume of poetry. The process of bringing them down from the walls where I’d taped them and watching them become “Short Houses With Wide Porches” remains one of the great memories of my life. —Christopher Watkins, poet

This residency allows writers to spend three months typing away in the Orlando cottage where literary legend Jack Kerouac wrote his acclaimed Dharma Bums. The Kerouac Project offers four residencies a year, and residents are expected to spend their time on their project, participate in a Welcome Potluck Dinner at the start of their residency, and read from their work at the end. (Other events and workshops are available if a resident is interested.) Participants also receive a $1,000 food stipend.

The application period opens on January 1 of each year, and remains open for approximately 10 weeks. Expect a $35 application fee.

21. The Mastheads

“Finding the time to devote yourself to your own work as completely as I’ve been able to do here—it’s nearly impossible in day to day life. The problem isn’t merely finding the hours; I have those. But during this month-long residency, the hours accrue, you’re able to find more of yourself, and maybe there’s more of you to find.” —Justin Boening, poet

Located in the heart of the Berkshire Mountains, The Mastheads is an experimental writers’ residency centered around five sculptural-architectural writing studios installed throughout the city of Pittsfield. Each July, five writers are offered exclusive use of one of the studios, a $900 stipend, housing, travel reimbursement, and a room in a communal house in downtown Pittsfield. Residents find community in the other writers, and solitude in the studios.

Applications are free and open to writers of all genres.

22. Djerassi Resident Artists Program

I found the Djerassi Program Artists Ranch to be hallowed ground. There was something in the vastness of the ranch that increased my spirit. There was something in the quiet that amplified my inner whispers. There was something in my meanderings that released the ties that bound me. —Nathan Yungerberg, writer

How would you like to spend four or five weeks at this residency located on a 583-acre ranch in the Santa Cruz Mountains? From mid-March to mid-November each year, more than 70 emerging and mid-career artists are welcomed to the Djerassi Resident Artist Program to take advantage of “uninterrupted time for work, reflection, and collegial interaction in a setting of great natural beauty,” all at no cost to the artist!

The program provides transportation to and from San Francisco International Airport and all dinners are provided by a chef, but ingredients for all other meals are provided. There’s a $45 application fee.

23. The Edith Wharton Writers-in-Residence Program

Each March, three women—who identify as poets, fiction or creative nonfiction writers—are awarded the Edith Wharton residency that offers two and three week retreats at the famous writer’s former Georgian revival mansion in Lenox, Massachusetts.

Selected writers will receive a $1,000 stipend, work space at The Mount, and nearby (but offsite) lodging for the entirety of their residency—but you’re on your own for transportation to and from The Mount. While there, your main responsibility is to spend time developing your creative work, but you’ll have to be available for local media requests and one public panel discussion with fellow participants.

24. Write On

Three weeks have flashed by in a kind of dream. I’ve so appreciated the opportunity to put my writing first all this time and to settle into deep engagement and reflection and reading. Often I would wrestle with a section all day and a solution would come to me overnight or on waking–something that almost never happens in my “normal” life. Thank you WODC for making this wonderful, nurturing space for writers. I felt cherished, supported, blessed by your generosity and hard work. —Catherine Jagoe, poet and essayist

At the Write On, Door County residency in Wisconsin, emerging and established writers in any contemporary literary genre will receive a private bedroom and bathroom, and access to The Coop, the writing studio of the late writer Norbert Blei.

Writers are responsible for their own food and travel, but in exchange for lodging, a community service project has to be completed—usually, a public writing workshop, but other opportunities are possible. Residencies last for one week to one one month, and applications are accepted year-round, though writers are encouraged to submit applications eight months prior to their desired residency date.

There is a $40 application fee. 

25. The Prairie Ronde Artist Residency

The Prairie Ronde Artist Residency is located in historic Vicksburg, Michigan, near Kalamazoo. The residency offers one resident (three times a year) a stipend of $2,000 for four to seven weeks, housing, studio space, a $500 travel grant, and even the use of a car!

Artists are encouraged to utilize the area’s creative community, donate a piece of work to the residency’s collection as well as propose a community “give back”—like a workshop or open studio days.

Deadlines are every December, March and June 15, and applications don’t require a fee.

New Orleans Writers’ Residency

As of September 2022, the New Orleans Writers’ Residency has shut down operations.

There’s little more inspiring than jazz, strong cocktails and beignets in a culturally rich neighborhood close to the French Quarter. If you want to do some hard work in the Big Easy, consider applying for the New Orleans Writers’ Residency.

If accepted, you’ll spend four weeks in a historic house with six other writers—each writer will share a room with two others during their stay. Better yet, the program offers daily continental breakfasts as well as a $200 weekly stipend for food and living expenses, and up to $350 for airfare. Expect a $25 application fee.

International writing residencies

26. Gullkistan (Iceland)

As much as I love New York, I wanted to spend a month in a setting that couldn’t be more different—I wanted sublime natural beauty, peace and quiet, relaxation and simplicity—a reset button for myself. Gullkistan was an ideal answer. —Ben Valentine, writer

Located in Iceland’s Laugarvatn Valley, Gullkistan is a quiet getaway for all sorts of artists, scholars, and writers and includes a peaceful setting with mountains, woods, and creeks. The minimum stay is one month, but they may be able to work out a shorter stay for people who are interested.

Fees vary based on accommodation preference, starting at 850 Euros. Applications are accepted all year round, and no application fee is required.

27. Camargo Foundation (France)

Inspiration came from my magnificent view of the Mediterranean sea, that ever-changing body of water—silvered over with sunlight in the morning, Aegean blue in the afternoon, black as ink on nights without a moon—and from the space, silence, and freedom of self-direction the fellowship affords. —Amina Gautier, fiction writer

Imagine waking up each morning on the southern coast of France, with nothing on your to-do list but write, write, write. If you’re one of the 18 writers that land one of these six- to eleven-week residencies through the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, it could be a reality—one that includes transportation, lodging, and a $250 USD weekly stipend.

The call for applications for residencies encompasses writers across all disciplines.

28. Arteles Creative Center (Finland)

Located in the Finnish countryside, Arteles are one- to two-month themed residencies held at various intervals year-round and house between 11 and 14 artists per month.

Food is not provided, but participants enjoy a traditional Finnish wood-burning sauna and have access to fully-equipped kitchens, meditation sessions, as well as a car, a rowing boat and bicycles. The program also encourages participants to (voluntarily) take a break from their cellphones and have them stored in the office—less talking, more writing!

Costs vary based on the residency in question, and financial support is available to help those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend. There’s no application fee, but you must be at least 23 years old to apply.

29. La Napoule Art Foundation (France)

The La Napoule Art Foundation hosts several different residency programs each year at the Château de La Napoule, located just outside Cannes, France. It’s open to both emerging and established interdisciplinary artists, and attendees are housed in private rooms in the recently renovated Villa Marguerite, each with a sea or garden view and a private bathroom. Breakfast and many weekday evening meals are provided and often held in the Château’s gothic dining room—plus, a $1,000 stipend is provided for all other needs.

Application fees vary based on the specific residency you choose, but are around $30.

30. Red Gate Residency (China)

The Red Gate community is so engaged and I formed lifelong friendships with some of the fellow residents and the other artists living in Feijiacun. It is an excellent introduction to the art community in Beijing. Red Gate Gallery is doing vital and honorable work in China connecting Chinese and international artists together and supporting the art industry. A highly recommended and very unique experience. —Tiyan Baker, photographer

Live and work in Beijing, China with the Red Gate Residency, which provides residencies year-round between one and six months. Red Gate will help you get involved in the local art scene and cover your airport pickup, local phone line and a welcome dinner. However, participants are expected to pay their own living expenses during the program or seek funding and grants from artist organizations in their home country.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and no application fee is required.

31. Studio Faire (France)

Studio Faire is a creative salve, a haven where residents are gifted space and time and beautiful surroundings in which to let their craft flourish.… Ultimately, Studio Faire gave me the opportunity to step away from the demands of my day-to-day life and wholly focus on editing my book. An epiphany or two struck me while I worked there—it must be all the good creative vibes seeping out of the walls from past residents. —Krystal Sutherland, writer

Studio Faire is based in an 1830s mansion house, in a small town in South West France. It provides residencies for up to three writers and artists at a time. Rooms are spacious and mature gardens offer private, shaded space for work and play. Residencies are self-directed and self-catering, and run from March to the end of October, lasting from two to four weeks.

Studio Faire offers its residents a change of pace and the space to explore new ideas, create a new body of work or develop an existing project.

Fees vary based on length of stay, with a two-week residency costing 1300 Euros. Applications are accepted year-round, with deadlines falling at least three months before the date you’d like to start your residency. No application fee.

32. 360 Xochi Quetzal (Mexico)

My time in Chapala was pivotal for me as a writer. You can’t understand the effect Chapala has until you arrive. Its splashes of color, rhythms and scenic beauty will inspire you. Scribbling away at Café Paris, locals ambling by, a cool glass of beer sweating on the table…. I felt like Hemingway. This residency gave all that to me and more. It is a gift I continue to cherish; a feeling I look back on when in need of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. —Sean Hammer, writer and painter

The 360 Xochi Quetzal Artist and Writer’s Residency Program (pronounced So-chi Ket-zal) is located on Lake Chapala, the largest lake in Mexico and where residents will be inspired by the natural beauty, history and culture of this special part of central Mexico.

This residency offers four live/work spaces for one to six months to two (maybe three) writers who need an opportunity to finish a manuscript, prepare for a show, collect their thoughts, or plan new work. Residents are responsible for travel to and from Mexico as well as daily meals, though food is inexpensive in Mexico and typically costs about $20 USD per week.

Costs for lodging vary based on what you choose, and applications (no fee!) are accepted on a rolling basis year-round.

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This is an updated version of a story that was previously updated by Farrah Daniel. We update our posts as often as possible to ensure they’re useful for our readers.

Photo via Olga Danylenko/ Shutterstock