30+ Amazing Writing Residencies You Should Apply for This Year

30+ Amazing Writing Residencies You Should Apply for This Year

Have you ever wondered how writing residencies could impact your writing career? There’s a ton of advice out there about how to carve out moments in your day to create time to write: wake up an h
31 Travel Magazines and Websites That Pay Freelance Writers

31 Travel Magazines and Websites That Pay Freelance Writers

14 Writing Retreats for Women: Dream, Then Apply

14 Writing Retreats for Women: Dream, Then Apply

20 Fantastic Writing Grants, Plus Tips for Applying

20 Fantastic Writing Grants, Plus Tips for Applying

20+ Incredible Writing Retreats to Attend in 2025

20+ Incredible Writing Retreats to Attend in 2025

Best Laptops for Writers in 2024: The Write Life's Top Picks

Best Laptops for Writers in 2024: The Write Life's Top Picks

It may be fun to wax lyrical about the nostalgic days of click-clacking away at a typewriter or scrawling your novel into a leather-bound journal, but those romantic ideals are impractical for the mod
Get Paid to Write Articles: 15 Excellent Publications to Pitch Today

Get Paid to Write Articles: 15 Excellent Publications to Pitch Today

15 Magazines That Will Publish (And Pay For) Your YA and Children’s Stories

15 Magazines That Will Publish (And Pay For) Your YA and Children’s Stories

10 Great Portfolio Websites for Freelance Writers

10 Great Portfolio Websites for Freelance Writers

34 of the Best Books On Writing: Inspirational Reads

34 of the Best Books On Writing: Inspirational Reads