As straightforward as writing about others can be, it seems that much harder when describing ourselves. If you’re wondering how to write a good bio then these quick tips will help.
How would you describe what you do to a stranger? This is a good place to start when thinking about your bio—it’s a concise, broad description with only the most important information.
You’ll use a short bio most of the time, whether it’s on social media, as part of a pitch or the back of your book.
Here are a few key pieces to consider including when space is of the essence:
- Name
- Current role, company or brand
- Passions, achievements, goals
- How to contact you
If you have a bit more space, or your audience is less formal, you may want to add personal details such as hobbies, quirks or a favorite book or author.

How to write a good bio
Here are a few key tips for writing an interesting bio.
Keep your bio focused and to the point
Make the most of your limited word count. Short, well-written bios command attention and inspire action. But even if you don’t have space constraints, still aim to keep your bio concise. What does your ideal reader need to know? Add that information and leave everything else out.
Want to improve your writing skills? Here are 10 straightforward techniques to try today.
Tell the truth
You want to put your best foot forward, but not at the expense of honesty. Your bio should be an accurate representation of who you are and inspire trust in your reader. Find that line between exaggerating and downplaying your achievements and you’re on the right track.
When you’re not sure what to write, crafting a bio can seem impossible. Here are some tips for figuring out what you want to write.
Link to your portfolio
If you have space, add a call-to-action or link to your portfolio. This is your best marketing tool and allows your audience to get to know you and your work better.
If you don’t have a portfolio, or you know yours needs an upgrade, here are 17 writer’s portfolio examples we love.
Your bio is not the place for grammatical errors or mistakes to sneak in. Take extra time to edit and proofread to ensure what you want to communicate is coming across the way you intended.
Here are five quick proofreading tips to help you out. And if you aren’t sure if your bio is working, enlist a friend or editor to help.
Writing a good bio comes down to a few key elements: communicating who you are, what you’re about and how to get in touch. Everything else is gravy!
Want to go deeper? Check out How to Write An Author Bio.